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- Give us the original, but keep a copy (preferably a clone) for yourself. We should be working from the absolute best material you have to offer. But you need to make sure that you have access to another copy should (heaven forbid!) anything adverse happen to the source materials you submit. Once in our possession, we will treat your materials with kit gloves. But we will not be held responsible for source materials that are lost, damaged, or destroyed at any point before, during, or after the mastering process.
- Ship your source materials to us by an insurable, traceable method. Both UPS and Fed-Ex offer a variety of ways to ship, all of which meet these criteria. If they lose or damage your precious materials, your (financial) loss should be covered. Don't skimp on the extra insurance!
- Tell us in writing what you want. If, for some crazy reason, you want 10 minute gaps between your songs, tell us. If you want radical re-EQing of a mix, let us know. Be as colorful and esoteric in your descriptions as you feel necessary. Our team of experts will try to figure out what you mean by "make it smell more purple."
- Don't keep any secrets from your mastering engineer. He wants to help you; he really does! Be as verbose as possible in your labeling and descriptions. He'll decide what information is extraneous. If your DAT is 16 bit and 48 kHz, let him know. If you mixed through a compressor/limiter (for shame!) tell him.
- Don't mix through a stereo-bus compressor/limiter. We'll do it with multi-band devices that are designed for the job.
- Let us do your fade-ins and fade-outs. We'll do them to your specifications.
- Mix your DAT or CD-R at 44.1 kHz. This will make it already compatible with the CD standard, and we won't have to do any possibly degrading sample-rate conversions.
- Label EVERYTHING. Make sure your name, band name, company name--whatever--is on everything that you submit. If possible, write down the name, length, and ID# of every song on your source material.
Need more information? Learn all about the mastering process and get information on Canaveral Skies Music's pricing structure. Or call (626) 796-6992 for more information.
Website design by Mallory McCreary All materials © Copyright 2000-2005 Canaveral Skies Music. All rights reserved. info@canaveralskies.com
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