Canaveral Skies Music
MacArthur's amazing ten song CD is available on Amazon.com. Or if you, a noble soul, refuse to support parasitic middlemen, you can send $10 to: Arthur Winer, 425 14th Street, #C4, Brooklyn, NY 11215.
Downloads 6/1/04
Everybody Loves You (1.5 MB, excerpt, 192 kbps), NEW! PREVIEW FROM THE UPCOMING RELEASE. Trying in vain to charm an elusive vixen: "No tall drinks or layaway minks will be enough to cause her harm".
Kiss of Fire (1.5 MB, excerpt, 192 kbps), NEW! PREVIEW FROM THE UPCOMING RELEASE. MacArthur's cover of the 1952 tango classic by Lester Allen and Robert Hill (adapted from A.G. Villoldo). Featuring an amazing sax solo by Andrew Innes.
Save Yourselves! (1.8 MB, excerpt, 192 kbps), NEW! PREVIEW FROM THE UPCOMING RELEASE. A cute little song about the apocolypse. Not from fire, flood, or earthquake, but from middle management mismanagement.
First Date (1.8 MB, excerpt, 192 kbps) NEW! PREVIEW FROM THE UPCOMING RELEASE. Love American Style: hot tubs, Collagen injections, strippers, Rogaine, and despair.
Nightime (2.1 MB excerpt, 192 kbps) Cover of the Big Star/Alex Chilton song. Appears on A Tribute to Big Star, released by LunaSea Records.
Nights in Vermouth (1.5 MB excerpt, 192 kbps), featuring classical guitar, cello, and wah-wah guitar. Lyrics co-written with David Rhoden. Haunting, lush, and dramatic. An amalgam of '60s psychedelia and Latin charm.
Waiting for the Sun to Shine (1.5 MB excerpt, 192 kbps), co-written by Norman Cohen. A rocker, a hit. Careful, though; you'll be singing it all day.
Doesn't She Know? (1.5 MB excerpt, 192 kbps). Escape fantasy for those who work in cubicles.
Boy Meets Girl (1 MB excerpt, 192 kbps). Seventeen year-olds hopped up on cooking wine and hormones.
Stay Awhile (1 MB excerpt, 192 kbps). Tried and true seduction techniques that don't really work. "I've emptied out my bank account/On fake furs and real cheeses/Refilled your glass while you were out/Then flipped on my trapezes."
Truly Impressed (1.5 MB excerpt, 192 kbps). A cute little rocker about stalking.